Support with self-management of antirejection drugs for kidney transplant recipients

Conceptors: Côté J., Hébert M. J., Fortin M.C., Boudreau N., Vaillant I., Dubois S., Gélinas Lemay E.
Collaborators: Rouleau G., Saulnier D.
The tailored intervention was developed by the Research Chair team in collaboration with the kidney transplantation unit of the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM).
A pilot randomized control trial was conducted at the CHUM in 2013-2015.
- Côté, J., Fortin, M.-C., Auger, P., Rouleau, G., Dubois, S., Boudreau, N., Vaillant, I., Gélinas-Lemay, É. (2018). Web-Based Tailored Intervention to Support Optimal Medication Adherence Among Kidney Transplant Recipients: Pilot Parallel-Group Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Formative Research, 2(2), e14. doi:10.2196/formative.9707
- Côté, J., Fortin, M.-C., Auger, P., Rouleau, G., Dubois, S., Vaillant, I., Gélinas-Lemay, É., Boudreau, N. (2019). Web-Based Tailored Nursing Intervention to Support Medication Self-management: A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Kidney Transplant Recipients. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37(11), 564-572. doi:10.1097/cin.0000000000000572.
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- The Kidney foundation of Canada
- Research Chair in Innovative Nursing Practices
- Ministère de l’Économie, de la Science et de l’Innovation (MÉSI).